4 Mistakes to Avoid in PTE Academic
Dream of scoring 79+ in PTE. Following are useful test tips, that will make you confident in your upcoming PTE official test and will leave you to spell bounded with scorecards. - Speaking Mistakes : Scoring 90 in Speaking made easy! A lot of test takers believe that to score 90 marks in PTE Speaking, the right information and content are necessary! You will be amazed to know that it is NOT so! The content in questions such as Describe Image (DI) and Retell lecture (RL) is important BUT the 90 scores are achieved just be being 100% fluent in your Speaking Module, also known as Oral Fluency. You do not need to worry about scoring 90 in speaking as long as your answer is very fluent. You also do not need to worry on the pronunciation part. Both content and pronunciation are less important than FLUENCY. Oral Fluency is the main judging criterion for marking you in PTE test. Another thing to note here is that the scores for content in Retell Lecture (RL) go to the Listen...